As the national voice of apprentices it is beholden on the society to work and speak in a way that embodies the values of:
- Equality
- Collectivism
- Democracy
- Inclusivity
and support its members to do so.
The aims of the National Society of Apprentices are:
a. To capture and promote the voice of apprentices, on a local and national scale, in order to enable better apprenticeship provision and increased participation in apprenticeships.
b. To research the needs, views and experiences of apprentices in relation to their training and employment experience.
c. To involve apprentices in active citizenship and democracy on a local and national scale, including voter registration.
d. To promote equality of access to quality apprenticeships.
The National Society of Apprentices will:
- Research the apprentice experience
- Support and encourage apprentice learner voice
- Encourage active citizenship among apprentices
- Promote the public value of apprenticeships
- Support employers and training providers to develop better apprenticeships and learner voice
- Work with relevant NUS Officers to promote the NSoA within NUS
- Work with relevant sector bodies to improve the apprentice experience
- Engage in dialogue with its members
- Promote and participate in the public debate of both apprenticeship policy and policy affecting apprentices
- Work with partners to develop agreed standards within apprenticeships
- Encourage international cooperation and mobility of apprentices.
The aims and activities of the National Society were developed by the Interim Leadership Team 2014.