Are you an apprentice? Sign up to hear from your national society!

NSoA represents more than 250,000 apprentices from across all sectors and industries, across the whole of the UK. Sign up for updates and opportunities to get involved!

Are you an apprentice? Sign up to hear from your national society!

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Let apprentices live: raise the apprentice minimum wage to the Real Living Wage

The apprentice minimum wage is currently £6.40 per hour. This is unliveable, but we have a vision for change. Read and sign the petition here.

Let apprentices live: raise the apprentice minimum wage to the Real Living Wage

3453 signed so far. Help us get to 5000!

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Latest Updates

National Society of Apprentices and NUS UK respond to the Autumn Budget

National Union of Students celebrates £300 million increase for further education, but National Society of Apprentices warns that apprentice minimum wage increase does not go far enough.

Why we campaign for the apprentice minimum wage to be raised to the Real Living Wage

A letter from an apprentice to the Low Pay Commission My name is Susan and I'm part of the leadership team for the National Society of Apprentices. We represent apprentices across the UK and I'm also here to share a story with you. The experiences of apprentices across the UK...

Meeting Siena

My Name is Siena and I’m in my second year of a business management apprenticeship studying at Ulster University. I’m a part of the committee for Ulster Universities Apprenticeship Society and as part of this we were invite to attend the NSOA Leadership Team Weekend in Belfast in October.  ...

Meeting Oscar

I joined the leadership team of NSoA because, despite enjoying my apprenticeship experience, I can see that some of these programs are relatively new and have some teething issues. Furthermore, I aim to improve apprentices' experiences in Northern Ireland and the UK by conveying their feedback and perspectives to MPs,...

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